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Introducing Our Referral Program

Sea Island Web Design has a great referral program. Simply put, affiliate programs, also called associate programs, pay affiliates a commission to send traffic that results in a sale. This is based on people you send who buy a website from Sea Island Web Design.

  • Pay-per-sale (also called cost-per-sale): Our affiliate program is an example of a pay-per-sale arrangement. In this arrangement, we pay an affiliate when the affiliate sends us a customer who purchases a web site.

Basically, if your link on your affiliate site brings us a sale, Sea Island Web design pays you $200.00!

Call or email us directly with the name and phone number of someone who needs a new or updated website. We will call them and if they buy a new website you will receive your commission.

When the referral results in a sale, you will receive a check for $200.00

Email us at to enroll in our affiliate program.


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